Well, I'm back. Have been sick over the last couple of weeks and just not up to posting. Am still working on my craft book series with Boyds Mills Press. It's going well but slowly.
I am posting an oil painting I made this year. Obviously, it's a hand. My hand. It hangs on my living room wall and livens up the room in a creepy sort of way. I like hands as the subjects of portraits though. They can be as or more expressive than faces.
Have linked my illustration website to a new promotional website recently (today.) The website is at: http://www.millionpixelimage.com
You'll have to find my squares to use the link. I'm close to the top and just off center to the right. I bought two squares stacked vertical. Will be interesting to see if it gets me any new traffic.
Thanks for reading and looking. Jen
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